-- 組立作業工具系列->電動螺絲起子(Conos)


◆ Torque Adjustment Ring Cover
  • Appliable for AC Series Auto Shut Off Type Screwdriver.
  • To minimize tampering or accidental turning once torque is set.

◆ Vacuum Pick-Up Attachment
To pick up small screws, Our F, RE series DC screwdrivers can be easily fitted with a vacuum attachment. Simply unscrew the standard troque adjusting nut and replace it with the appropriate Vacuum Attchment. Connect to a vacuum source like vacuum pump on vacuum conveter.
  • vacuum attachment.
  • vacuum nose piece.
  • vacuum hose and tie wraps.
Due to the added length of the vacuum attachment, longer length bits must be used. The nose piece of the vacuum attachment should be adapted to the head profile of the screw. Please provide us with a screw sample for setup. A nominal machining may apply.

◆ Angle Head Attachments
Get into tight places with our low profile angle head attchments.
Our F, RE, CY series tools are easily fitted with an angle head by replacing the torque adjusting nut.

  最佳瀏覽建議1024X768, IE 5.5以上版本
系統使用    典昶事業有限公司
電話:886-4-24726588 傳真:886-4-24750599
電子信箱: service@denchong.com